Decking made of reclaimed hardwood

Extend the service life of hardwood
give wood a second life and choose reclaimed wood

Van den Berg Hardwood wants to extend the useful life of hardwood. This is why we are researching ways to reuse hardwood. Of course as a wholesaler we want to continue to offer the same: a wide range of products which our clients can use immediately.

With reuse, Van den Berg Hardhout extends the useful life of hardwood; we give it a second life. The hardwood is cleaned and processed for reuse after its first application as bridges, stables, in civil engineering or decking. Reclaimed wood has a unique appearance and is enormously versatile. As with residual wood, wonderful products can be made of it. A good example is circular fencing, developed with old stable grates and posts from different types of wood. Where the wood previously served as stable grids, the hardwood now shines as a garden fence!

Reusable wood is stable and strong

Reclaimed wood has character and history. It has experienced a long journey in which one or more functions have been fulfilled. However, this does not mean that the wood is more vulnerable than "fresh wood. Did you know that in many cases, reclaimed hardwood actually has a longer lifespan than new hardwood? Old hardwood has gone through a longer growth and drying period which strengthens the fibre structure. This makes it possible to use high-quality wood intended for repurposing.

Contribute to a sustainable world

The beautiful thing about reusing hardwood is that valuable materials are not discarded. Furthermore, the sustainability of this recycled hardwood is expressed in an attractive Environmental Cost Indicator (EQI) and Environmental Building Performance (MPG). This is of great interest to the project developer and designer. By consciously choosing reclaimed wood, you support sustainable goals regarding CO2 reduction and the circular economy. Reusable wood gives you a unique product and at the same time lets you contribute to a better environment. How beautiful is that?

The benefits of reusable hardwood:

  • Valuable material is reused in a meaningful way;
  • Low MKI/MPG number;
  • Recycled wood has become stable over time;
  • Optically, the wood is recycled. Technically, it can be used as new wood;
  • Used hardwood is FSC® certified;
  • Complete solution in times of scarcity.

Do you want to extend the lifespan of hardwood? Henk, Buyer & New Business Developer, is happy to meet with you to consider the possibilities of recycling hardwood.

How may we help you?

Oud hekwerk krijgt een andere toepassing
Circulair hekwerk gemaakt van stalroosters
Damwand hardhout krijg nieuwe functie
Gerecycled hout hekwerk
Planken van hergebruikt hout kopen
Gerecyclede houten planken voor vlonders
Loopbrug van hergebruikt hout opknappen
Tropisch hardhout een nieuwe bestemming geven als brug of hek
Van den Berg als groothandel voor hergebruikt hardhout met FSC keurmerk
Hout schoonmaken en verwerken voor hergebruik
Hergebruikt hout gebruiken voor uw project is een duurzame keuze
Paneel van gerecycled hout krijgt een tweede leven
Oud hekwerk krijgt een andere toepassing
Circulair hekwerk gemaakt van stalroosters
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